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Trade Basket Launched in GotG

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Mar 10, 2023

McKinley Meta.N gives New Rise to Innovative and Regenerative Business Models and Revenue Opportunities, GotG Platform.
McKinley Meta.N agreed to add the Trade Basket to the DAG system, one of the core systems of the GotG program.

The inclusion of the Trade Basket into the DAG system, which is one of the core systems of the GotG program, will be a crucial resource for the guarantee and insurance solution that manages digital asset investors and projects. This move is expected to result in a groundbreaking asset management program that would further enhance GotG's liquidity and stability.

TRADE BASKET by McKinley Meta.N

McKinley Meta.N is a leading firm offering expert advice and consulting services in secure asset management systems. To ensure added protection in the guaranteed asset basket, McKinley Meta.N employs risk-free asset management methods through a fully managed in-house asset trading approach. The trading desk leverages its substantial financial strength, long-established business relationships with top global banks, contracts between various trading companies, and strict regulation of trading program activities to provide reliable and secure asset management.

The contents of the news announced on this page are a summary of the company news published by McKinley Meta.N and the contents announced in the media, and the publicity and accuracy of the contents can be modified and changed at any time according to the business structure and progress of the projects. 

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